Cleo County is the result of a high challenging inspiration received from Egyptian Culture and Living. Ancient Egypt stood one among the richest nations of the world. The land has remained as an inspiration to many. Highly fascinating name and Sphinx’s statue have direct relation to the fame and name of Egypt.
Every norm of aesthetic perfection is cent- per -cent followed in the making of this most awesome residential project. All apartments and penthouses in this cluster display a higher level of perfection. Maximum space provided assures an easy flow of life.
International standard facilities and amenities make life lighter and smoother. One’s life is cradled in the lap of luxury. Utmost care given to the minutest parts of creation is highly praiseworthy. This enabled the ABA Builders to make Cleo County a flawless cluster of dream homes.
Undoubtedly everyone will enjoy having a bath in the magnificent inner swimming pool of Cleo County. The floors or the walls, the corridors or the lobbies, and every other thing of it exhibit masterminded design and perfection of art. One can easily enjoy the glorious life which resembles to the past life of Egyptian Pharaohs.
Origin of the Name:
The name Cleo County is taken from the one of the most admired beauty queen Cleopatra, a girl of Egyptian origin. She was acclaimed as the most charming lady of Beauty. With the hope of resembling this beauty the project also is named after her.
Attraction of the Main Entrance:
Most notable attraction of Cleo County’s main entrance is the statue of Sphinx. This statue directly relates the project to Egypt because this statue has its roots in the Egyptian Mythology. Egyptian Mythology hails Sphinx as the guardian of the city. Moreover the statue is considered as the symbol of power and strength. The placement of the statue at the main entrance is meant to show how one’s power is determined.
Underlining Attractions:
- Resort style Living
- Global standard Landscaping
- Resemblance of the Rich Egyptian Heritage
- Visible Egyptian Architecture
- Magnificent features and amenities
- Seven Star Category facilities
- Technological Supremacy
- Automatic water treatment (Temperature control)
- Fully developed 25 acres of land